SMS Unicode Detector

Quickly check whether your SMS message contains unicode characters and whether these could potentially increase your SMS credits consumption. Get started now.

Your results:
Encoding Type:
Message Length:
160 / 160
Message Count:
1 message
Standard character
Extended character
Unicode character

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How do I identify Unicode characters?

Understandably, most people might not consider that unicode characters contribute to additional SMS costs, but actually, they do. There are several different character sets, one of these is the Unicode Character Set. Use our free detection tool to identify these.

Unicode emoji characters shown

What is a Unicode character?

Before sending your next SMS marketing campaign, check that your SMS message doesn't contain a Unicode character. Unicode characters are non-stnadard characters, such as emojis that are mostly accessible across different platforms, devices and programs.

Questions on unicode characters

Why use our SMS Unicode Detector?

We've built this SMS Unicode Detector so that you can quickly identify how many SMS credits you'll consume in a text message via our API. We automatically detect unicode characters and highlight these to you in a contextual colour.

SMS character count calculator

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Are you ready to starting your next SMS marketing campaign? Get started with our free SMS API today.

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